Formulation and supervision of UAS Safety Guidelines.
Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM)
The Strat Aero Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) platform connects official authorities with operators to safely integrate drones into the air space. Strat Aero UTM platform offers a proven solution that is already deployed in several locations across the globe and used by customers as an end-to-end solution or as a supervisory service system.
Authorities can visualize and manage drone flights and declare no-fly zones. Drone operators can plan, track and validate their drones and their flights in line with (inter)national and local regulations. Strat Aero UTM supports SWIM standards, the standard protocol that all stakeholders in aviation use, to communicate with operators and drones through real-time messaging, using reliable data from worldwide sources for global data coverage including amongst others meteorology, NOTAM, obstacles, and no-fly zones. Hyperlocal accurate aeronautical navigation data provides reliable and trustworthy data for your location.
Strat Aero UTM platform is system agnostic and can be deployed either on a Strat Aero system environment, in the cloud (Software as a Service or SAAS solution), or on dedicated servers at a local site. The system covers all aspects of a globalized UTM system, from the first contact with the operator and supervisor to the billing and fleet management. Before the flight takes place, Strat Aero guides the operator through the steps to submit the flight request in a correct and simplified way according to the local specifications.
During the flight, real-time communication ensures collisions are avoided at all times and all whereabouts and adherence to regulations are upheld constantly. After the flight, logbook, reporting, history track records and billing features facilitate the administrative workflow and safety culture related procedures.
Strat Aero UAV Artificial intelligence
Strat Aero is developing UAV Artificial intelligence that can be used to create machines that perform tasks more efficiently than humans, allowing them to work in stressful environments twenty-four hours a day all year long with no lunch breaks, sick days, or paid vacations. This has already led to otherwise impossible feats in areas like space travel and medicine and could be the answer to global issues like world hunger and nuclear holocausts.
Future use of Artificial Intelligence in Drones
1. Construction Sites
Construction companies use AI drones to scan and map the terrain of building sites, doing in 15 minutes a job that takes days for humans to complete.
2. Smart Cities
A team at Microsoft Research says self-driving cars will be common by 2020, and the technology will spread to delivery vehicles, including everything from take-out food and prescription medications to public services.
3. Emergency Drones
Drones can be used to drop supplies to disaster victims in hard-to-reach locations, as well as to people in isolated areas during an emergency.
4. Farming
AI technology helps them do everything from determining the best time to plant to applying the right amount of fertilizer at just the right time.
5. Military and Defense
Military drones can carry supplies, weapons, or cameras.
6. Industrial Infrastructure
Drones can do the job more efficiently and safely, but they can also prevent problems by identifying inconsistencies in data. Some railway companies used drones in their safety inspections.
7. Face Recognition and Insurance Claim Processing
The drone is used to survey damaged buildings, snapping images, and wirelessly transmitting to the company for faster processing. Other companies use drones for simplifying face recognition or deterring cyber-attacks, and the taxi-alternative Lift is researching self-operated cars.
8. Real-Time Data
Drones can be used by commercial, industrial, and service organizations to provide instant surveillance in multiple locations instantly, eliminating the need for human surveillance or spending endless hours searching through recorded information.
9. Real Estate
Sophisticated drones with cameras are being used by real estate companies to provide photographs of homes and commercial buildings, as well as aerial maps and local information for home buyers.
10. Entertainment, Media, and the Internet
Filmmakers and news media are using drones to capture aerial footage, sometimes without the FAA’s permission, and to shoot scenes on closed sets.
Strat Aero UAV R&D
Strat Aero Malaysia is exploring the capabilities of the latest commercial unmanned aerial systems (UASs), seeking ways to use UASs for research and projects that improve the human condition. Our testing efforts in Malaysia, China , Ireland, Italy, and Ecuador help us deploy these innovations internationally.
Strat Aero Malaysia is committed to staying at the forefront of UAS technologies, having already addressed solutions to many of the difficult technical challenges of integrating UASs (e.g., regulations, data management, and operating conditions). By combining RTI’s broad expertise with specific experience in UAS-related research, we are well positioned to navigate clients through this relatively new area of study.
Application Development We engage SAM and university scientists in the development of drone-based solutions that reflect the state of the science:
• Client-tailored solutions to support organizational needs
• Data management solutions to manage information collection
• Data analysis for actionable intelligence
• Sensor development for integration onto unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
Research and Development (R&D) Resources We have the resources and processes necessary to test solutions safely, legally, and ethically:
• Proof-of-concept testing – Visual-line-of-sight testing , Fully autonomous beyond-visual-line-of-sight testing
• Training for client pilots on regulation, safety, and data collection protocols
• Experienced SAM pilots for missions
Business Insights Streamlining the path to market for solutions by assessing markets, engaging partners, and navigating barriers:
• Competitive and market intelligence
• Technology scouting and landscaping
• UAV regulations
• Policy research